Call us: 561-331-2322

Post Storm Pool Clean Up

South Florida is known for bad storms any time of the year. If you are a Rock Solid Pools Customer or not, we will come out to your pool and clean up after a storm as hit.

Storm Clean Up Pool Service $120.00 and up

Storm Clean Up Pool Service Includes:

  • Removal of any items in your pools
  • Cleaning out any and all leaves or branches
  • Chemically treating your pool (one time)
  • Back washing your filter
  • Brushing the walls
  • Cleaning the tiles
  • Cleaning out any and all baskets

How can I schedule Storm Clean up Pool Service for Palm Beach?

  1. Click on the page titled “Contact Us” Someone will contact you within 24 hours about Storm Clean Up Pool Service for Palm Beach.
  2. Call us at 561-331-2322 to schedule Storm Clean Up Pool Service for Palm Beach.